RE: ? About Digital Camera

by Stuart & Toni Livesey <tonilivesey(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 02 Sep 1998 13:19:46 +1000
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Another aspect to be considered when purchasing a digital camera is whether
or not it is user friendly. Quite a few of the digital cameras around today
do not use through the lens technology (slr in non-digital terms) but rely
on a preview screen on the back of the camera.

>From my perspective this has several drawbacks. Firstly this type of camera
is very power hungry and eats batteries. Secondly the preview screen tends
to be quite foreign to anyone who has used an slr camera.

I have now had experience with both types and started out with a cheap
Casio that used the preview screen on the back. Now I found that it took
adequate pics but I would like a dollar for every time I whipped it up to
my eye to try and take a shot - I think I finally developed quite a bruise
on my forehead :>

After a couple of weeks I changed to a Kodak DC210 and while it does not
have a through the lens viewfinder what it does have is quite close and I
no longer look like a dill as I whip the camera up to my eye.

Before I purchased the Kodak I did quite a bit of research and would really
have liked to have bought an Olympus but the price tag was just too much.
The Kodak was pricey enough but about $700 (Australian) less than the
Olympus and while you get what you pay for the difference between the Kodak
and the Olympus was acceptable while the difference between the Casio and
the Kodak was like chalk and cheese.

The one drawback that I have experienced with both cameras is the download
time - on my P166 the download was slower than the speed of growing grass. 

The other positive for the Kodak was the software that came bundled with
it. It was far better than the Casio and from reviews I have read here in
Australia the Kodak software beats the heck out of just about everything else.


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