Re: Trying for lemonade

by Chris Hawkins <wings(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 06 Jun 1999 01:22:04 -0700
 To:  "Wendy Peck" <wpeck(at)>
 Cc:  "HWG Graphics" <hwg-graphics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  voyageur
  todo: View Thread, Original
To all:

I just want to also applaud Wendy for this post.

Something that really stuck out to me was her offering of her strengths and
talents.  I think it would be really great if we all posted a bit about
ourselves, not only to show respect for who does what in this talented
group, but also to help us communicate with each other more efficiently.

I'll start myself:  I do NOT come out of graphic arts technically -- that's
why I'm here most of the time!  What I have strength in is marketing and
concepts.  I have been a marketing guerilla director-type, wearing lots of
hats, supervising the art concepts and the customer databases and anything
else to get product moving and promoted.  I'm now sort of a cross between a
web developer and a rabid entrepreneur. 

Currently I am engaged in a web design and web promotion business.  Quite
frequently I ask questions about Illustrator and the tools because I
personally have not used the tools myself as in the past that was delegated
-- now that I'm acutally doing this, boy do I have a lot of respect for you
highly-trained graphic types!

I am strong HTMLer and also a writer (couldn't tell it by my postings!) and
 published nationally.  

I am happy to help anyone I can with anything, and thanks to all for taking
the time to help me out.

At 11:53 AM 6/5/99 -0500, Wendy Peck wrote:
>Hi all,
>Boy I have the blushes but good this morning. I found what I arrogantly
>deemed to be an insulting public post, and boom, turned around and did the
>same thing as I was criticizing. Some mistakes take a lot to swallow. 
>First the apologies: MomJ - if I disagreed with you, the post should have
>been private. Randy - you never were involved in my complaints, and I
>apologize for not jumping down from my white horse to figure it all out.
>Lonna - you must be sorry you ever heard my name. Yikes!
>So that I may ever show my face again on this list, I am hoping that maybe
>we can take my errors as a base to improve. 
>I resolve to make sure any post I make in public to the list will do only
>good for the list and the person asking the question. If I believe there is
>something someone had a responsibility to do before asking for help, I will
>reply privately. If I feel that anyone has been insulting, I will reply
>privately. If I feel that there is an issue that we should be more careful
>with as a group, I will post a question or comment to the list in general -
>not in response to someone's question. That is my list - I hope others will
>form their own. 
>There is so much talent on this list. I have my strengths, as does everyone
>here. My strength is in mixing traditional printing and marketing with web
>marketing and design. It also follows that I am weaker than the best in
>HTML. That is why I am here. I will exchange my depth of pure graphic and
>marketing knowledge for help in applying what I know to the web.
>I passed out a bunch of lemons in response to lemons being passed out. Is
>there any hope of lemonade?????
Chris Hawkins
Author & Web Architect
Home Office: 520-795-9979
	*	*	*	*	*	*     *
The idea is not [only] to make art, but to be in that wonderful state which
makes art inevitable.  

				-- Robert Henri and [CHRIS HAWKINS]

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