Re: Need Adobe Illustrator?

by "Michael Zimmermann" <green(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 01 Dec 1997 15:41:56 -0500
 To:  "Collin Lim" <collinlim(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  hotmail
  todo: View Thread, Original
for the most part, PS is a raster-based [1] program, dealing with
bit-mapped images, and so is the web (for now, and with a few exceptions,
like pdf's and UA fonts, etc).

Illustrator deals mainly with vector-based formats, and is much more
powerful than photoshop when dealing with these things. [2] So, in
illustrator, it's fairly simple to make a circle that's five pixels across,
and then decide to blow it up to five thousand pixels, and still have it be
a circle.  try that in photoshop, you'll likely get a very shaky circle,

the actual drawing in illustrator is more powerful, although it's more
suited to solid objects/shapes, and with curves, there is no equal, now
that 7.0 is out.

for most web applications, you don't need illustrator, but there may be
times that you need to have control over more than just the individual
pixels in an image.

also, have you ever tried to set type on a curve in photoshop?  =)  not the
best thing for any advanced text control, you'll have to admit...

(this is of course my opinion -- many people use illustrator for many
different things, and the same thing with photoshop, but i wanted to keep
in context)

Hope this helps, 

[1] raster/bitmap... based on pixels, and individual pixel placements and
colour values
[2] vector... dealing with calculations of curves and relative placement

At 11:13 AM 12/1/97 PST, Collin Lim wrote:
>Hi List:
>I use Adobe Photoshop 4 to create all the images for my web pages.  I've 
>been able to do without a drawing program.  Can someone tell me what I 
>can get out of Adobe Illustrator that I can't do with PS4?

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