Re: jpg - unwanted border

by "Michael Zimmermann" <green(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 03 Dec 1997 18:40:22 -0500
 To:  Stuart & Toni Livesey <livesey(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  net
  todo: View Thread, Original
just a note, what you posted below isn't really a valid URL...i don't see
anything wrong with the jpg, and there doesn't seem to be any problem with
getting rid of the border for me (took me less than a minute, and i shaved
about a quarter of the size from it as well).  all you have to do is crop
about 3 pixels from the edges, and you should be fine...i'm puzzled why
this didn't work. 

Perhaps if you could tell us more about what you're doing exactly, and what
software you used?


At 08:44 AM 12/4/97 +1100, Stuart & Toni Livesey wrote:
>G'day all,
>I wonder if some of you could please take a look at the following site:
>and peruse the jpg thereon. It was scanned and resampled through PSP and
>you will see that somehow I have picked up a border around the photo. I
>have tried removing it by pasting the picture onto its own black background
>but the border remains. 
>Is there anyway I can remove that border?
>Thanks in advance
>Stuart Livesey

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