RE: jpg - unwanted border

by "Michael Zimmermann" <green(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 04 Dec 1997 05:39:08 -0500
 To:  hwg-graphics <hwg-graphics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  bgrafyx
  todo: View Thread, Original
another way is just to reduce the size by the "resize canvas" dialogue,
since the purpose is to get rid of the border.... this is probably the
fastest way to shave off 3 pixels from all sides.


At 10:21 PM 12/3/97 -0500, B. Szyszka wrote:
>> In Photoshop, you can also use Marquee to select the area (usually
>> rectangular) you want to keep and choose "Crop" to crop the 
>> unwanted part away.
>I prefer the crop tool myself. Hit 'C' on your keyboard and it will
>pop-up in the area where your marquee tool is. With this tool,
>you can make a selection just like with the marquee tool, but
>you can resize it when you've made that selection. When you're
>ready to crop, just hit Enter (or Return). 
>You can always hold down the Shift or Alt key (or whatever
>it is on a Mac) to subtract from a marquee selection, but I
>think using the crop tool is much simpler and quicker.

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