RE: Fonts

by "Michael Zimmermann" <green(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 04 Dec 1997 21:53:04 -0500
 To:  "Taylor Ren" <taylorr(at)>,
"hwg-graphics" <hwg-graphics(at)>,
"Joe Lor" <tdc(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  com
  todo: View Thread, Original
a note, the correct spelling is 'serif' and afaik, most browsers won't
choose a font at all. (the latest MS and NN hacks do /not/ comprise the
entire browsing audience)

As well, I was under the impression that MS Sans Serif was a specific font,
a font family would be cursive, serif, sans-serif, etc, wouldn't it?


At 08:54 AM 12/5/97, Taylor Ren wrote:
><font face="Arial, Courier, MS Sans Seriff">Your text here....</font>
>In the above HTML coding, you actually ask the browser of someone else to
>choose Arial firstly, if not available, Courier secondly, to render the
>text. If either of the two fonts are not available (very unfortunate), the
>browser will choose any font which is in "MS San Seriff" font family to
>render the text. MS Sans Seriff should be the most common font family
>installed in most computers.

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