Re: Creating mouseover graphics

by "Michael Zimmermann" <green(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 06 Dec 1997 08:07:04 -0500
 To:  =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Rudy_G=F3mez=22?= <rudy(at)>,
"Zach Bagnall" <bagnall(at)>
 Cc:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  netcom
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 09:27 PM 12/5/97 -0500, Rudy G=F3mez wrote:
>The only remaining step is change the text color of the new layer.  Using
>the magic wand select the new Text.  This is usually done by selecting the
>area outside the text (between the text and border of the layer).  You will
>notice the dotted line around the perimeter of the layer and around the
>text.  If text has any Os, Ps, Ds, Bs, etc., you will see that the inside
>portion of the those letters are not selected (no dotted line).  You will
>need to add these sections to your selection.  Hold down the shift key
>while using the magic wand to add these sections.  After you've completed
>adding all these interior regions, go to "selection" on the menu and select
>"inverse selection".  When completed you have now selected the areas to
>change color.

A quick tip:

If you've got text on a transparent layer (ie: when you view just that
layer, you see the text in colour, and a check background) then an easy and
quick way to float just the text i've found is the following.

Select the entire area (ctrl a)
hit the arrow key up and then down, effectively moving the selection up and
down one pixel ... the selection will 'shrink' to the non-transparent image
(the text) and voila!
	if you're using PS4, you now have to hold down the control key with the
arrows to move the selection.


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