Breaking up images in Photoshop 4.0?

by Rick Strom <strom(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 10 Dec 1997 04:23:20 -0800
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Trying to add another element to my pages...

I want to design a pretty complicated "title" section, which I want to
break up AFTER the design for various reasons.  In other words, I want to
take one big graphic and break it into several smaller ones, all of which
will fit snug again in a table.  One example comes to mind, if I'm not
explaining myself well, at 

Does anyone have any suggestions for doing this and keeping one's sanity?
I've been trying to do everything in parts, and I can't take it no more...

Thanks much,
Rick W. Strom
The new film:

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