Browser safe color problem, part deux

by Martin Blackwell <martinb(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 20 Dec 1997 18:19:44 -0800
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I forgot to say in my first message that I see the "dots" in the colors at
256 colors. Based on the email I've received that would have been a good
idea to mention. (Duh me!) That's what I'm trying to get rid of. And
shouldn't browser safe colors stay browser safe, especially since there are
only 5 colors in the whole thing?

The RGB values definitely changed value when converted to gif. And the
small versions were made by first reducing the original PS format file,
then converting it to GIF.

I only get the Digest version of this list so I don't yet know what else I
may have forgotten to mention.

>Subject: Browser safe color problem
>I'm confused. Using the broswer safe palette I made a graphic which
converted to GIF just fine. Then I reduced the original (PhotoShop 4) and
converted to GIF again only this time the colors are no longer browser safe
(I get those irritating little dots in the colors).
>In both instances when converting to GIF I choose Adaptive, 7 bit (for
size), but it seems like no matter what I try it still happens. 
>The first color, for example, starts out as RGB 0:153:255 and ends up as
0:156:255. You can see the nightmare here:
>How do I keep these colors from changing? (I don't even care why it does
it on the small ones, but not the large ones, unless that matters.)
>There are only 5 colors (all browser safe) in the image. I assume there is
something I can do in the convert process, but what?
Martin Blackwell

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