486's load times, education

by SeniorAdvisor <SeniorAdvisor(at)senioradvisor.org>

 Date:  Fri, 22 Jan 1999 11:36:53 -0500
 To:  AM Thomas <amt(at)nuteknet.com>
 Cc:  hwg-graphics(at)mail.hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
 I am trying to set up my daughter's school computer
lab. They have a wonderful resource but knowbody knows
what they are doing. I don't know much but I can help
also, They have many 486's but the one on the internet is
?? not sure but it is more than a 486.
I have customers that still get on the net with
486's I don't know why when they can afford to update!
They often call me when their comupter crashed after
being on the internet they think someone got into their
computer and messed it up!

Anybody got any educational programs for win 3.1 or
even 95 they want to give to me just email me!
I'll be glad to take them!

>Many schools use equipment that's either donated
>or very cheap, often years old.  486's, even.
>All those old 28.8 and 14.4 modems.
>And why shouldn't they? Those machines shouldn't
>go to waste if they can be used for education.
Mary Mooney

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