Re: PUZZLE program

by Brian <brianj(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 24 Feb 1998 13:58:10 -0500
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  rider
  todo: View Thread, Original
ETC PC 1 wrote:

>I went through the archives and found that at
> one can
>follow the directions and create a puzzle effect from photoshop. I
>followed the steps and could not make the graphic look like a puzzle. If
>anyone has used these steps and succeeded, could he/she please tell me
>what step is missing in these directions?

Indeed, steps are missing.

>From the referring page:

"Switch to puzz_levels.psd and look at the Channels Palette. Switch
channel to shadows. Then Select>All and Edit>Define Pattern. Now
switch to your target image you are working with and create a new
channel (in Channels Palette click a New Channel icon.

Double click the channel you've just created and rename it to shadows.
Repeat this step for the rest of the channels in the puzz_levels.psd
After that you should have 3 additional channels in your target image
called shadows, highlights and grooves."

They forgot to tell you to "Edit -> Fill -> Pattern" after you create your
new channels and rename them. You have to fill each new channel that you
make in *your new image*  with the pattern that you defined out of the
"puzz_levels.psd" file. 

The instructions should be:

"Switch to puzz_levels.psd and look at the Channels Palette. Switch
channel to shadows. Then Select>All and Edit>Define Pattern. Now
switch to your target image you are working with and create a new
channel (in Channels Palette click a New Channel icon.

Double click the channel you've just created and rename it to shadows.

*******Then goto Edit>Fill and choose "Pattern" from the drop down menu******

Repeat this step for the rest of the channels in the puzz_levels.psd
After that you should have 3 additional channels in your target image
called shadows, highlights and grooves."

This will fix the image. They left out the most important step. LOL

*I'll post my version of the image after I finish making it.


brian j. | [i.c.q. 1057986] fusion(at)
f r e e l a n c e graphic designer/web developer
fusion design <<>>

"No, it's not done yet. Feb 21. I know, I know."

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