Follow-up: PUZZLE program

by Brian <brianj(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 24 Feb 1998 16:52:52 -0500
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
 References:  rider
  todo: View Thread, Original

>ETC PC 1 wrote:
>>I went through the archives and found that at
>> one can
>>follow the directions and create a puzzle effect from photoshop. I
>>followed the steps and could not make the graphic look like a puzzle. If
>>anyone has used these steps and succeeded, could he/she please tell me
>>what step is missing in these directions?


>This will fix the image. They left out the most important step. LOL
>*I'll post my version of the image after I finish making it.

Here's the result I said I'd post. It's an image of my ex-girlfriend (about
4 years ago) with that puzzle effect added. I think it's ironic that I
tried this technique on a picture of her (if you don't get it, never mind).
She was trying to pretend she was a blasted model. LOL


I achieved the effect, I think, but the pieces are a bit too small. That
was the first try, and I had to fill in the missing step. I had to play
with the levels on the last two a little bit, and it could have looked
better. I just don't have the time.

Oh, I also lightened it a bit with the contrast bar in the levels dialog
box too. That made a big difference. Again, first try.

If anyone has, or comes up with, a better-looking version, I'd love to see
it. But please tell us how you tweaked it to make it better. :)

<> [64k]


brian j. | [i.c.q. 1057986] fusion(at)
f r e e l a n c e graphic designer/web developer
fusion design <<>>

"No, it's not done yet. Feb 21. I know, I know."

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