Re: Photoshop 4 Books

by Brian <brianj(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 09 Mar 1998 18:28:57 -0500
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
 References:  pandion
  todo: View Thread, Original

>Cindy Svec wrote:
> Does anyone else have some favorite books, resources for their
> favorite graphics software?

Pardon me if this one has already been mentioned around 450,000 times, but
the 'Classroom in a Book' series is excellent. They are the most
informative books on Adobe software I have ever seen.
The will run you around 45 of those green bills we use to buy stuff (I
wonder if that was enough to make it past the HWG off-topic/no-no filter?).

I bought the "Adobe Illustrator 7 Classroom in a Book" around a month ago
and I am no longer afraid of it. :)

No one can sell talent, but if you're looking for an Adobe Photoshop book
that will make you an expert in weeks, I would strongly suggest "Adobe
Photoshop 4 Classroom in a Book."

If I were to buy one, the above would be the first; it was written by the
makers of the software for learning it in the most efficient way possible.

On the other hand, if you have a grasp of PS4 already, definitely pick up a
copy of 
"The Photoshop 4 WOW Book."

Both are sold in most popular book stores in the US, and if you can't find
a copy near you, try these URLS:

Adobe Photoshop 4 Classroom in a Book:

Adobe Photoshop 4 Classroom in a Book & Adobe Illustrator 7 Classroom in a
Book (Bundled/2 CD ROMS):

Adobe Photoshop 4 WOW Book:

Wishing he had some iced, sweet tea-


brian j. | [i.c.q. 1057986] fusion(at)
f r e e l a n c e graphic designer/web developer
fusion design <<>>

"No, it's not done yet. Feb 21. I know, I know."

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