Transparency H*ll

by Elysia De Chenn <elysia(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 10 Nov 1998 13:28:15 -0500
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
 Cc:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Thanks for everyone who's responded (2) I really appreciate it...however, I
seem to have given the wrong impression as to what the problem is, so I'll
restate it again *sigh*

In PSP 5.0 --

When I save a .GIF as transparent, then display it on my webpage, it has a
white background.  When I'm working with the graphic, I go to my "set
transparent color" menu option, set it to the correct color, and I even
"proof" it before I save it.  According to what I see in PSP, the graphic
is transparent.

Until I load it up in the browser and take a look at it.  It's a different
story then, as I said, the background is white instead of transparent...I
think I may have changed a setting by mistake, thing is...I've been through
every setting I can think of that remotely involves transparency or
tolerance, I've modified every setting in combinations that most have only
dreamed of, and still nothing.

Please!  *grovelling and begging pitifully*  If you have some clue of
what's wrong, please help!  I'm at a complete standstill until I figure
this out!
Could it be something I'm not doing right with the HTML?  I'm stumped.


"You framed the sun...shot out | No Faith                             
 the paled the sky |  []
 and hung the moon..."          |                                      
   "Hung the moon" -- BTE      | ..                                   

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