Re: Gabocorp watch out. LOL

by Kym Jones <kymj(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 04 Feb 1999 09:08:02 -0600
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

I think it would behove all of you remember that when you are learning
something and have the courage to stick your neck out and show it to a
group of people such as this, it would be nice to think that you would get
encouragement and "constructive" criticism instead of rudeness, sarcasm and
an attitude of "We're "professionals" and unless "we" think what you have
done is perfect in our eyes then you're an idiot and a failure".

There's no way I would put my work up here for suggestions or opinions,
because I know the bulk of "critiques" would be from people who's egos are
so over inflated that they don't know the meaning of "constructive
criticism" or how to express it other than by being downright nasty.

And, what the hell is a "stereotypical Geocities screwup" ...gawd! what a
highhanded comment! 

I have seen some wonderful sites with beautiful graphics, obviously done by
someone with a great deal of talent but also with some of the most
appalling spelling mistakes and grammar...should we start on that next ?...
I wonder if any of them were done by you folk...:)
Singing...Oh Lord, it's hard to humble, when you're perfect in every
way..... :) 


>> >Gabocorp watch out????
>> >I don't think so.
>> >This is a bad example of what flash
>> >is capable of.
>> C'mon people, give this woman a break!  First of all, it's clear she was
>> being tongue-in-cheek to begin with.  She appears to be new to the
>> technology and I thought the site was a great effort.
>Great first effort, sure. But, to tell the truth, I didn't really 
>like it either. I found it incredibly hard to read, and really 
>not that impressive. There's nothing wrong with not liking 
>something and letting the person know -- it's called 
>constructive criticism. You can't post something to a list 
>such as this and say "check this out!" and not expect a 
>little negative feedback. Hell, without negative feedback, a 
>lot of people would be designing stereotypical geocities 
>screwups. :)

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