RE: htm vs.html (and some graphics stuff too)

by Kyle Matthews <jits(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 30 Jan 1999 11:20:43 +1300
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  hwg
  todo: View Thread, Original

given that the only reason that this keeps coming back to graphics is for
some reason the original poster posted to both here and techniques. it
doesn't have anything to do with graphics. for people such as myself who
are both lists, getting emails twice is annoying - i get 150 emails a day

so please, stick to one list, preferrably on topic!

while i'm here, I have a couple of questions (if i can remember the second

i spent a couple of hours yesterday searching all the photoshops tip sites
that i know - and some i didn't - looking for decent stone tips. I found a
few, but nothing like what i'm looking for.

what i am looking for is... well i'm trying to make an archway i guess.
it's going to be quite large, as i'm going to use it as a navigation tool.
i was looking for one which looks like old blocks of stone, which have been
created by hand (ie, a little chunky, slightly rough) with a nice texture,
and also tips as to how to make them look like blocks, shadows etc in them.

as i said, i've been around most of the tip sites, and none really looked
anything like what i wanted. i haven't explored plug-ins, but would be
quite happy to if someone knows of one which will do what i'm looking for.

other than that i'm looking for any advice as to how i might achieve such a
thing. i'm using photoshop 4, but could download psp fairly easily as well.
note, i've fiddled around with some basic clouds/difference clouds etc, so
anything more complex/different?

no, can't remember what the other question was :-)


At 03:00 PM 1/28/99 -0500, you wrote:
>NT servers use .htm by default; Unix servers use .html. That's the basic
>reason for the two. It has nothing to do with "professionalism"! 

Kyle Matthews -- --

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