Re: Splicing

by Eve Emshoff <eve(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 13 Jan 1999 19:06:12 -0600
 To:  "Stephen K. Fisk" <skfisk(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  GATEWAY
  todo: View Thread, Original

Re: cut images for tables... I am posting this to the list as well as
Steve, since this design problem has been one of my long-time aggravations
and others may need a solution. I used to use a freeware program called
Picture Dicer for creating those 'cut' images for imagemaps. The problem I
found is that the author did not allow for a scroll bar in the program (it
may since have been corrected), so any long images were cut off by the
program, resulting in large 'cuts' at the bottom of the image.

If you are using Photoshop, you can accomplish a sliced image in this manner:

1. Flatten final image if in layers and reduce to intended web size.
2. View > Show Rulers
3. View > Snap to Guides (make sure this is checked)
3. Grabbing the ruler with the cursor, drag out a Guide Line. Grabbing the
ruler at the top will get you horizontal lines, while grabbing the ruler on
the side will get your vertical guide lines. Using these guide lines, set
up how you'd like to cut up your image.
4. Count the number of sections in your image. If you've got the RAM:
Image > Duplicate the number of times for each section (ie 10 sections,
duplicate 10 times for a total of 10 + original image on your screen). If
will duplicate the image as well as the guide lines.
5. Since you have Snap to Guides set up, it is now just a matter of
cropping out each section on each duplicate image. Using the crop tool,
select in a grid section. Upon crop, save the image as something that is
meaninful to you (ie image1.gif, image2.gif).

If you don't have the RAM, you can duplicate, crop a section in the
duplicate, save, then duplicate the original image again. Actions can be
set up for this sort of thing.

Granted, this does not do the HTML for you. However, in your web editor,
you can:
a. Make your table the finished size when all pieces are put together (the
size of your original, uncut image)
b. Create enough cells to equal the number of sections within your sliced
c. Change individual cell size to fit that particular portion of image
(width and height), and place your image within that cell.
d. Do make sure your overall table has Cellspacing and Cellpadding of 0. 
e. Hope I didn't miss anything in the HTML Table instructions here. :)


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