Re: [OT?] Advice...

by Kym Jones <kjones(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 28 Apr 2000 21:56:11 +0930
 To:  "Abhay S. Kushwaha" <abhay(at)>,
"Graphics [HWG]" <hwg-graphics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  LOGIN
  todo: View Thread, Original

Hi Abhay,

>Then, he hands me a piece of paper with a "LOGO" and he had made with
>blue and red (my design happens to be primarily in yellows and
>how should i react?

I would tell him that what you have done so far is primarily in yellows
etc., and does he really have his heart set on red and blue for the logo.
If you have already designed a logo for him, you might print it out or
upload it so that he can see your work in progress and explain that whilst
the color scheme *can* be changed, this is going to involve a lot more work
on your part and therefore, he's going to have to pay for your time :)
This is a difficult area in a way, because, telling you to go ahead and do
as you please, gives him the opportunity to come back and tell you he
doesn't like it and he's not going to pay for something he doesn't like.
So, gentle persuasion, IMHO is the way to go. Assume the "professional
consultant" position and explain to him that, in order for you to work
efficiently and produce something that he will like and that will be
effective, it's very important that you work together as a team...that his
input is very important, in order to save your time, and *his*
money...every time he changes something, it goes on the bill ...LOL..that
outta skeer him a bit :)))) ...but seriously, making him feel important and
an integral part of the operation, will force him to make some decisions
that he should have made in the first place :)

If he insists, if you can't talk him round, you're going to have to bite
the bullet and change it all, BUT, this time around, nail his lil foot to
the floor and insist that he give you some idea of what it is he wants,
otherwise you could waste countless hours trying to read his mind.

>Graphics question:
>   How do i scan a hand drawing on a piece of paper into something
>   that is useful on the web? I tried scanning it directly into PS
>   but it looked hidious!

Unless it's a pretty spiffy drawing, I doubt it's ever going to look
decent. I would scan it and open it up in your graphics program of choice
and see if you can make it yourself. It's a bit hard to tell whether this
is possible without actually seeing it, but I'm willing to bet that you
could probably re-produce it or something pretty darned close if he's just
scribbled it up on a piece of paper off the top of his head.

Sounds to me like this guy has the potential to be a major pain in the
butt...and I wouldn't be making any more moves until he makes some concrete
suggestions as to what he wants or you at least know he is going to pay you
for wasting your time.....good luck.

Just my 02 cents.


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