Re: Saving from a website.

by 2Nerotik <2nerotik(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 12 Nov 1999 10:18:14 -0800
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  hwg
  todo: View Thread, Original
<G> BOMBS AWAY.  Here's a nice simple solution.

Choose your default browser... leave it as your default browser.

To tell Netscape not to be your default browser do this:
When if asks you if you want it to be your default browser tell it no
and select don't ask again.

You can't however tell it you want it to be your default browser later in
its preferences at least not with NN 4.08.

You can however do this with IE. If you want Netscape to be your default
browser let it do so.

When IE comes up asking if you want it to be your default browser tell it no
and tell it not to ask you again. This can be changed in its "Internet Options"
--> "Programs" and at the bottom it has a check box that says "Internet 
should check to see...."

If you decide you want IE as your default browser later (meaning NN is 
currently your
default) then check this box. When you run Netscape next time you will be 
asked if
you want it to be your default browser select "No, etc."

I currently run IE5, NN 4.08, Opera 3.6 and Neoplanet 5 without any cohabitaion

I can even run all 4 at the exact same time without any hassle.

NN doens't have the option to reset itself as default browser that I can see
once you say "No don't ask me again."

Both IE and Neoplanet do.

Opera has the options of which files you want it to handle as the default
browser under "Preferences" --> "Default Browser" which may be checked
or unchecked at anytime.

I would think a webdesigner would know all this. =c)

At 09:58 AM 11/11/99 +0000, Diana Petersen wrote:

>Saving From a Website:
>I know I am going to get bombed for this, but here goes anyway!
>I have never seen IE and NN cohabitate on the same PC for any length of
>time. All is fine for awhile, and "awhile" seems to vary greatly, then all
>types of crazy things start to happen as each repeatedly tries to assign
>itself the "default browser title award."
>The best solution I have found for it, don't run both. Ask folks who prefer
>the other to check out your sites.
>IE and NN both claim they will cohabitate, but look at the responses, they

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