Re: Recommend scanner?

by Norman Bunn <norman.bunn(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 09 Nov 2001 15:25:58 -0500
 To:  Linda <lindajeane(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
A few comments:

- If you have USB, get a scanner with it.  Much easier than trying to run 
it through the printer port.
- The scanning software that came with my HP 5200 is a memory and resource 
hog, and runs extremely slowly (PII 450, 384MB)
- HP scanners come in different versions based on the bundled 
software.  Make sure you get the bundle tailored to your needs
- Scanners are very cheap and you can get some great features for very 
little money
- Basic OCR comes with most, however, the two versions I have will not work 
when scanning at right angles.
- If you are not doing a lot of scanning, stick with the consumer level 
models.  It'll save you significant $.
- I have an HP and a ScanMagic (came free from my ISP for signing up fro 
DSL).  Can't tell much difference between the scans, especially for the web 
(72 ppi).


>Please recommend a scanner that will be used to scan photos for the web as 
>well as scanning photos for brochures.

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