mouse-over woes (was mice on crack :)

by Shdowrks(at)

 Date:  Sun, 31 May 1998 21:01:19 EDT
 To:  p-brockmeyer(at)
 Cc:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
>>>can someone look at it, and ease my torment<<<<

I can't make heads or tails out of what you got there. It's more than my
simple mind can endure right now.

earlier you asked:
>>>do you have a script that you would suggest?  i'm really
getting frustrated with this one.<<<

Yes. It's very simple but may be limited to newer browsers (as most JavaScript
Here is a sample:

Note: The image number is the order they appear on the page, the count starts
at "0". I suppose you could assign unlimited number of images to appear.
Haven't tried that yet.

Of course this means starting over, but with this script, once you design the
page, its just a matter of going back and assigning simple rollovers. Its also
very easy to edit.
Hope this helps.


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