Re: Photoshop 4

by Coolmelon3 <Coolmelon3(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 19 Jan 1998 20:43:58 EST
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Richard,

Don't worry you are not alone. I started using Photoshop 3 last year in
college. With the professionals I've been around none know everything about
Photoshop. I what I saw was an ability to know what they what to do and worked
towards it. (but again not always knowing exactly how, just using familiarity
to get around to the solution)

I bought Adobe's "Classroom in a Book (CIB)" series for Photoshop 4. I wanted
this one because I liked what I saw in it, but $45 is more then I was willing
to pay. Then I got smart (more like lucky), I was looking at the books in the
"Graphics Dept." at school and they were using CIB. Now starting the winter
quarter someone had sold their book back. Point is I got the $45 book for $35
and when I'm done with it I can sell it back to the book store for $15-$20.

Also I've found a place called "Bargain Books," they buy overstock and such
from the other major bookstores and sell they at 50% of the cover price. They
don't have the bleeding edge books, but most are still new. 

Hope this helps,

Kord Nelson

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