Re: JPG Problems

by Honeywebster(at)

 Date:  Sun, 23 Apr 2000 15:26:35 EDT
 To:  JCoker6115(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
I went to the site you listed with problem .jpgs. I tried opening one of them 
in Photoshop and got the same result as seen on screen.

My advice would be to start over and charge her for scanning. She will learn 
in the future how important it is to keep a copy of her up-to-date web site 
files. Even if you could fix them, it may take twice as long to fix them then 
to start over and rescan them. 

I assume you have contacted that former company and asked how the files were 
created (in what program, what version). This could be the why of what is 
happening, created in a much earlier version of Photoshop or in a program 
that is no longer compatible with current programs you are running. 

Either way, it seems senseless to pull out your hair. You can also tell her 
by rescanning with scanning equipment and programs today, she will have a 
better image ultimately. Her site will get a graphics facelift, which can 
only help sales.

Hope this is helpful.
-Janet Z

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