Re: Question: Alt text in an image map

by Mime95(at)

 Date:  Mon, 8 Jun 1998 02:33:57 EDT
 To:  caroling(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
The reason why the webbot code is there is because the imagemap was made in
FrontPage 98.

The use of the alt attribute to create a little popup tooltip is not supported
by all browsers.  The primary reason for including the alt attribute in any
image is for compatibility with non-graphical browsers (this being text-based
browsers, braile readers, etc).

Lets take Lynx for example; it's the browser that comes with most Unix systems
and is text-based (no images).  If the alt attribute for an image is present
than that alternative text is shown in place of the image, if not, the viewer
of the page will see [inline] in it's place. If this image serves as a link,
the alternative text will also.

This holds true for image maps as well.  If the image being mapped has an alt
attribute the value of that attribute will be shown in place of the image as a
link.  When this link is clicked on the user will get a list of the hotspots
that the image has been given.  If each of these hotspots is given an alt
attribute, that alternative text is what will be shown as the link.

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