Re: graphics smearing

by Aethelflae <Aethelflae(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 12 Mar 1998 09:30:10 EST
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
In a message dated 98-03-12 01:22:26 EST, astrong(at) writes:

<<  Since these files are so big and most of them are not usuable image, I'd
like to
 crop them and then go back to work on them later, which means I'd be saving
them a couple different times as a gif.

Well..... what I usually do if save the unfinished file in the format of
whatever program I'm working in.  For instance, I would save an image in Corel
PhotoPaint as "whatever.cpt".  Generally speaking, the graphics programs save
*all* information (including layers) when you save it in their distinct
format.  I know PhotoShop. PaintShop Pro, and Corel do this.

The Red Haired Snipe

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