Re: AOL Display problem

by Aethelflae(at)

 Date:  Thu, 4 Jun 1998 12:24:00 EDT
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
It's the nature of the AOL browser...  It does that to all images, not just
yours.  Basically, the AOL browser, since it's using the AOL servers, had to
be changed so that it didn't download all of the information in an image, to
lessen the drain on the server.  You won't notice an improvement in download
time, but with the minimized downloaded info on the millions of AOL users, it
cuts down on the strain of the AOL servers dramatically.  (Unless like me, you
cheat and use an external bowser anyway..)

Another interesting bit of info.  If you are surfing the net on an AOL browser
and you see and image you like, and right click to steal it, the only people
who will be able to see that image if you use it on a website is other AOL
users.  AOL actually downloads the images in a different file format, similar
to .art or some such AOL format.  Therefore, non-AOL users see it as a broken
image.  It's the same reason you usually can't open images stolen through AOL
in graphics programs.  It's a specialized file format.

-haven't used the AOL browser in ages.  And don't intend to start again any
time soon.

Red Haired Snipe

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