Re: Redirect: Outburst (was: CUTTING EDGE: Flash Animation)

by JustGio(at)

 Date:  Mon, 2 Feb 1998 06:17:22 EST
 To:  sderaadt(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
In a message dated 2/2/98 04:43:28 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
sderaadt(at) writes:

<< >This is ridiculous. This subject is relevant to both lists. It covers both
 >graphics and web applications, both in different ways and removing it
 >from one list because some kind of glorified bean counter thinks it doesn't
 >belong just reminds us all why we find this "mother" mentality of list
 Reminds YOU, more accurately.
 > If we took a straw poll (and I challenge you to do so) I believe
 >you'd find most list subscribers would be perfectly happy for the guides to
 >have a very long extension of their chrissie holiday.
 Well, I confess I agree to some extent, however, this next statement goes
 too far.
 >If I want to discuss
 >graphics based ideas that result from this thread, then I'm sorry, but I'll
 >just have to ignore this neofascist ruling, not to mention the rather
 >sounding warning not to reply to the list on this subject.
 >- Michael A
 Based on this idea, a trusted person on your property or using your property
 is quite within their rights to do what the hell they like with it? Of
 course not. This list is OWNED by hwg. It is THEIR server, THEIR software
 that feeds you the topics, and indeed THEIR system which delivered to the
 world your insult to them. This service free to you and all of us, and all
 they ask is decent and on-topic discussion. Fair enough, I say.
 Then again, I agree they redirect just a little to quickly - a simple
 reminder or note would be better in some cases.
 _____________ >>

Well the Newbe ventures from the corner to ask? ???
Can't the Whining and snivling about list controls take place in private e-
mails??? I signed on to these Lists and read the agreements. I am thrilled
with the amount of information I am Gaining.  But the Complaints about the
contenet are starting to catch up in volume with the good Stuff.  As to Humor
....perhaps I didn't get some ones Joke to their site reference......and an
occassional funny remark tickles me as well.........I don't have time for Wild
goose Chases to See site Jokes.......If that was what I wanted I would have
Joined  Hwg-comedy(at) 

Please don't Bother Cluttering up the List with response to this ...respond to
me Directly....or to  hwg-@whine& .

Mt thanks to all for the Immense amount of Help in Graphics and to List
Adminastrators  for keeping it in control


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