Re: Thanks! (was Re: Probably a really dumb question for the Photoshop gurus)

by jdowdell(at) (John Dowdell)

 Date:  Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:31:41 -0700
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 9:54 AM 10/16/99, Tom Grenier wrote:
> Thanks for all the GREAT responses.  I've sure learned some really neat
> things to do with Photoshop.  What an amazing tool!

I'm glad you're able to get on with your work. But the complexity of the
replies show how a photo-processor isn't the answer to all graphics tasks.
A bullseye is a pretty straightforward shape, but pixel editors would have
difficulty with it.

(Yes, it's much easier in Fireworks... it's vector-based editing like
Illustrator or FreeHand, but with all coloring, texturing, and
web-optimizing built right in. Things remain editable because it's one
application, not three.)

If you can get your work done, then that's the most important thing.
Everything can sometimes look like a nail, though....


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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