How to deal with tabular frontmatter?

by "Rob Parker" <RobParker(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 5 Apr 2000 11:33:55 +1000
 To:  "Gutenberg list" <hwg-gutenberg(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Here's another question arising from my attempt to markup "Through the
Looking Glass".

I'm adding some additional material to the original etext (so it's no longer
a PG document - as Frank pointed out in a previous post). This additional
material includes a table of "Dramatis Personae" in the frontmatter, in four
columns corresponding to pieces and pawns for both White and Red sides of a
chess game, with White and Red being shown as colspan=2 subheadings in the
table, just to complicate things further. Any suggestions as to how to deal
with this?

The same table layout problem also exists for the moves of the chess game.
Currently I've cheated on this, and included that textual information in the
image of the board layout (the problem of displaying the image is discussed
in another thread); however, I'm not happy with doing it that way.


[Rhetorical question: Why did I pick something with so many problems?]

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