Use "name" element?

by Gerilyn Brander <gerib(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 11 Feb 2000 12:46:47 -0700
 To:  hwg-gutenberg(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I am turning "The Art of Writing" by Robert Louis Stevenson
<> into
XML using "gutbook1.dtd" and "darwin.css". 

Do I use the "name" element every time I encounter a proper name? For
example, which name(s) -- if any -- would I label in the following
paragraph (from "The Art of Writing)?:

	But let us select them from the pages of the same 
	writer, one who was ambidexter; let us take, for instance, 
	Rumour's Prologue to the Second Part of HENRY IV., a fine 
	flourish of eloquence in Shakespeare's second manner, and set 
	it side by side with Falstaff's praise of sherris, act iv. 
	scene iii.; or let us compare the beautiful prose spoken 
	throughout by Rosalind and Orlando; compare, for example, the 
	first speech of all, Orlando's speech to Adam, with what 
	passage it shall please you to select - the Seven Ages from 
	the same play, or even such a stave of nobility as Othello's 
	farewell to war; and still you will be able to perceive, if 
	you have an ear for that class of music, a certain superior 
	degree of organisation in the prose; a compacter fitting of 
	the parts; a balance in the swing and the return as of a 
	throbbing pendulum.  

Would I (or how would I) label the title HENRY IV? Any help will be

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