CONTRACT: C Programmer

by "Judith C. Kallos" <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 01 Apr 1999 08:01:09 -0600
 To:  hwg-jobs(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
*** ** Send replies directly to: Chris Edwards <ax204(at)> ** ***

I need a C programmer to help rewrite a cgi script that is part of a
software package called ImageAXS Pro.  The CGI component comes along with
the software and the vendor allows a end user to rewrite it for their own
specifications.  They include the C code along with their program.  
ImageAXS Pro allows creation of HTML pages of thumbnail and full size
images.  If you're dealing with 1000's of images, one can use their cgi
script to narrow down the number of images retrieved based on keywords. 
The problem with the cgi script, as it is shipped, is that all the images
have to be on the same web server as the cgi script.  Our web server
doesn't have room for 1000's of jpeg files.  So, I need the script to look
to another server on our network.

Chris Edwards <ax204(at)>
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