F/TIME: Web Developer - San Francisco Bay Area

by "Judith C. Kallos" <webmaster(at)theistudio.com>

 Date:  Mon, 07 Jun 1999 08:32:17 -0500
 To:  hwg-jobs(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
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MCL Software Service, Inc 
181 Metro Drive Suite 540 
San Jose, CA 95110 

Contact Name: 
Prasad Kongara 
Phone: (408) 453-7500 x301 
e-mail: prasad(at)pictra.com 

Company Description: 

We are a subsidiary of Fujifilm Corporation. 
We develop technologies that enable Fujifilm 
to offer web based digital photography services 
to their consumers. 

Job Description: 

1. Assume the ownership of the content and GUI of "fujifilmnet.com" 
group of websites. This person will be singularly responsible for the 
style, usability and correctness of the websites. 

2. Interface with engineering, marketing and external vendors 
to design and implement next generation GUI for the websites. 
The production and design aspects of this job could be quite big 
and some of this work can be farmed out to outside companies 
at the discretion of this employee. 

3. Responsible for the implementation of the websites in different 
languages. Responsible for the translation process and integration 
of the translated content. 

4. Responsible for the maintenance of the websites. This includes 
fixing any errors, handling request for quick and simple changes 
as they arrive. 


1. Proficiency in HTML. 
2. Some familiarity with Graphics tools such Adobe Photoshop 
3. Experience with Javascript is a plus. 
4. Energetic, enthusiastic and detail oriented. 
5. 3 - 4 years of experience designing and implementing a 
large scale web site. For the right candidate, we may be able 
compromise on the experience. 
6.  Must be physically located in the San Francisco Bay area.

We offer excellent benefit and compensation package.  

HWG-Jobs is a one-way list for notification of job opportunities. Please
see http://www.hwg.org/lists/hwg-jobs/ for more information.

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