F/TIME: E-commerce Site Developer - New York, NY

by "Judith C. Kallos" <webmaster(at)theistudio.com>

 Date:  Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:46:17 -0600
 To:  hwg-jobs(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
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E-commerce Site Developer

You are an HTML master and an ASP & JavaScript virtuoso. You can format 
pages, and decrease colossal images into single-digit K counts in a 
single bound. You understand and support e-commerce efforts 
completely. You are innovative and passionate about revolutionizing how 
teens consume via the Internet.

Salary Range: $45-$65

HWG-Jobs is a one-way list for notification of job opportunities. Please
see http://www.hwg.org/lists/hwg-jobs/ for more information.

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