F/TIME: Project Manager/Senior Programmer - New York, NY

by "Judith C. Kallos" <webmaster(at)theistudio.com>

 Date:  Wed, 12 Jan 2000 08:51:28 -0600
 To:  hwg-jobs(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
*** ** Send replies directly to:  <jobs(at)nyc-search.com> ** ***

Lime Radio, an Internet radio venture is seeking a project manager/senior
programmer to build a portal web site and lead our technical team. We are
looking for an individual who wants to grow with our company and help build
a solid technical foundation. 

Responsibilities include system architecture design, programming, strategic
planning, monitoring project progress, determining the hardware and
software needs, and integration of front and back end designs. Good
communication skills are important. Ideal candidate has at least 2-3 years
hands-on experience in Internet/web development. Knowledge of firewall,
security issues and system administration is useful.

Compensation: VERY COMPETITIVE SALARY, health benefits, equity, 4 weeks
Qualifications: UNIX, C/C++, Java, CGI, HTML, SQL
Knowledge of Perl, java script, and photoshop advantageous
Company description: The Lime Group is a band of small fast growing
businesses pursuing opportunities in a wide variety of fields. Each
business is independent, yet they share a common community and resources.
We are currently pursuing opportunities in smart cards, Internet radio,
electronic brokerage, restaurants, not-for-profit, television, and
quantitative trading.

The Lime Group has relaxed and casual workplaces. We put a premium on
quality of life. By working intelligently and efficiently, we make time to
enjoy life. Our offices are open and involve everyone in the happenings of
the businesses. The goal is for everyone to be excited, happy and
challenged, and to have the opportunity to live up to their potential. 

Our small size and open work environment creates an esprit de corp rarely
found in large organizations. This creates a powerful learning environment
where people freely consult with each other and share their experience and
knowledge. At The Lime Group, we not only succeed at what we are doing, we
thoroughly enjoy it.

HWG-Jobs is a one-way list for notification of job opportunities. Please
see http://www.hwg.org/lists/hwg-jobs/ for more information.

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