F/TIME: HTML Engineer/Senior HTML Engineer - Redwood Shores, CA

by "Judith C. Kallos" <webmaster(at)theistudio.com>

 Date:  Wed, 05 Jul 2000 10:08:04 -0500
 To:  hwg-jobs(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
*** ** Send replies directly to: <jobs(at)yodlee.com> ** ***

Yodlee.com (http://www.yodlee.com), an Accel/Seqouia backed company based in
Redwood Shores, California, is a hot pre-IPO startup in the area of personal
information aggregation. We are known not only for our rock solid product
offering, but also our star engineering team. Our partners include, AOL,
Chase, Altavista, Intuit among others. Please see website for more details.
Come join the winning team.

HTML Engineer/Senior HTML Engineer PD040615

Job Description: The HTML engineer is responsible for transforming concepts
and ideas into production quality Dynamic HTML code. Responsibilities
include designing/optimizing the appropriate graphic elements to complete
the HTML design, coding of tight HTML and designing a graceful degradation
of functionality with the browser version. A strong strong knowledge of
cross-browser and cross-platform issues is essential. Familiarity with
templatized HTML code for use in data-driven applications is a strong plus.

The ideal candidate possesses the following background:
* 3+ years Dynamic HTML construction experience
* Strong understanding of HTML
* Basic Javascript knowledge
* Understanding of cross browser compatibility issues
* Familiarity with color issues
* Experience with Photoshop and other web graphics tools
* Knowledge of template based HTML construction

Please send in your resume to jobs(at)yodlee.com with the above job code
(PD040615) in the subject line.

HWG-Jobs is a one-way list for notification of job opportunities. Please
see http://www.hwg.org/lists/hwg-jobs/ for more information.

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