hwg-languages archives | Oct 2000 | new search | results | previous | next |
submit dilemmaby "Steve Ball" <sball99(at)mindspring.com> |
List, Here's my submit form dilemma: I would like to use ColdFusion form validation <cfform><cfinput required="yes" etc.> but my graphics designer has set up a submit scheme utilizing events to swap in cool images running a javascript url routine <a href="javascript:etc." onmouseover="etc."><img src etc.></a> Cold fusion doesn't initiate its serverside validation routines with this method. Is there any way I can use standard forms approaches <input type=submit> or even <button> without having to use the canned buttons, and swap in the graphics artists' cool button images instead, thus retaining the coldfusion functionality, and not having to write lots of javascript forms validation?????? Help please. TIA Steve Ball
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