Re: Date Format

by "Stephanie Thrasher" <steph(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 3 Jun 2002 09:10:48 -0700
 To:  "David Artiss" <david(at)>,
 References:  kl19a
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi David,

I think this will do it:

var date = now.getDate();
var dateName;
 if (date == 1) dateName = "1st";
 if (date == 2) dateName = "2nd";
 if (date == 3) dateName = "3rd";
 if (date == 4) dateName = "4th";


document.write(dayName[now.getDay()] + ", " + monName[now.getMonth()] + " "
+ dateName);


> Hi !
> I think I'm suffering from more brain fade today. A while ago I got a
> from a site which displays the current date. It can be found at...
> It displays the date in the format "Monday, June 3". I'd like to make this
> little more user-friendly by adding the appropriate suffix onto the end of
> the day - e.g. "Monday, June 3rd". However, I've been unable to work out
> how. If anybody can assist it will be appreciated.
> David.

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