Re: Full string not displayed when retrieved from DB

by "Rossi Designs" <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 20 Mar 2000 10:25:54 -0500
 To:  "Shull,
Conrad" <cshull(at)>,
 References:  ntmail1
  todo: View Thread, Original
you are trimming it


Rossi Designs
(904) 226-8979
P.O. Box 1084, Holly Hill, Florida 32125-1084
----- Original Message -----
From: Shull, Conrad <cshull(at)>
To: <hwg-languages(at)>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 8:35 AM
Subject: Full string not displayed when retrieved from DB

| I have a form that populates text boxes with data previously entered via
| on an Access DB using ASP.
| The purpose of the form is to edit the previously entered data.  It works
| fine, except that it displays, in the text boxes, only that text up to the
| first space character.  For example, if the Client, "Smith Company" was
| initially entered into the DB, only "Smith" is displayed in the text box.
| the actual database, the full string is present.
| In the following VBScript, "ca" means "Client A", "dm" means "days in the
| month" and "i" is appended to "ca" to indicate "Client A" on a particular
| day of the month. I skipped including the rest of the SQL and record
| retrieval lines (they work fine) and included only the "While Not rs.EOF"
| line to indicate that this script does go through all the records.
| While Not rs.EOF
| Dim ca
| for i = 1 to dm
| i = Cstr(i)
| ca = "ca" & i
| if Trim(rs(ca)) <> "" then
| Response.Write "<tr><td align='center'><input type='text' value=" & rs(ca)
| " size=10 name='ca" & i & "'></td></tr>"
| else Response.Write "<tr><td align='center'><input type='text' value=''
| size=10 name='ca" & i & "'></td></tr>"
| end if
| next
| __________________________________
| Conrad Shull
| Information Technology Associate
| Learning Resources Center
| Susquehanna Health System
| cshull(at)
| webmaster(at)
| 570.321.2266

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