Re: archvives (was Re: Formatting Numbers using JavaScript)

by "Srinivasan Ramakrishnan" <srinivar(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 26 Mar 2000 12:52:38 +0530
 To:  "David Mintz" <mambomintz(at)>,
 References:  yahoo
  todo: View Thread, Original

I've often wondered, do you think the archives are as good as an FAQ?

You can't really download the archives and read them at leisure can you. An
FAQ is like instant cofee. Maybe we should start an effort to build a good
FAQ. I've always felt that a good FAQ can bridge the gap between a good book
and good job experience.

I mean look at the comp.lang.c FAQ, real good stuff. They even made a book
out of it. Web builders really lack something like that.


----- Original Message -----
From: David Mintz <mambomintz(at)>
To: <hwg-languages(at)>
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2000 4:13 AM
Subject: archvives (was Re: Formatting Numbers using JavaScript)

| --- Rich Bowen <rbowen(at)> wrote:
| > > HWG oughta have a Javascript FAQ or something.
| >
| > Well, there's the list archives, which are almost as
| > good as (actually,
| > often much better than) having a FAQ.
| Indeed!  I've consulted them before but the last
| couple of times there was no server response and I
| began to wonder... I hit it just now and it's smokin'
| David Mintz
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