PGP Encryption

by "Jeff Pearson" <sales(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 8 May 2001 08:38:48 -0400
 To:  "HWG Languages" <hwg-languages(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

Has anyone had any experience implementing PGP on a web host? The host in
question we currently use doesn't officially have it installed but they say
they support it - whatever that means. Basically I want to have a secure
form (on an SSL page) fire off credit card details pgp encrypted to one
recipient. I want to know if there is a cgi script or a pgp product that
will do this encryption for 1 user without the web server having it
installed on their box - possibly just a perl script solution -something run
entirely from the cgi-bin?. The client is doing offline credit card
authorization only.

We have it now that everything is secure except for the backend (in an
Access DB  -password protected) but that wouldn't stop someone on the server
from prying into it should that happen.

Any help/assisstance would be greatly appreciated. Alternately, I would be
interested in hearing alternate offline credit card processing methods or
knows of a web host that offers PGP that is not an exorbitent cost.

Jeff P.

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