hwg-languages archives | Mar 2000 | new search | results | previous | next |
Off Topic - Database Design: A way of lifeby "Carol Parent" <parent(at)djam.com> |
Please feel free to email me off list. If you know of a more appropriate place to ask these questions, Please, let me know. I would very much appreciate it. Database design as a career choice. I have a few questions if I may: How many ppl on this list design databases as freelancers for companies/clients and what have you experienced as a freelance database designer? Positives and negatives. How many ppl on this list that design databases, do so remotely vs. being on the clients site physically? I would appreciate any input that you wish to offer to someone on their first mile in this area of skills. Regards, Carol Parent parent(at)djam.com http://www.cbwdesign.com "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Albert Einstein
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