Perl Script and Delimited File

by "Anthony Romano" <datachem(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 30 Jun 2000 13:49:04 -0700
 To:  <hwg-languages(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I created a delimited file from an access database.  I then used a perl
script wherein each line(record) in the delimited file was converted to an
array and then the fields printed out.  The following lines were used to
create the array:

foreach $lines(@database_array) {
          @edit_array = split(/\:/,$lines);

This  worked alright until it came to the comments field with more than one
paragraph, which in access was a memo field.  Some of these fields had
several paragraphs and of course everything was messed up as the script
thought that the start of each paragraph was a new line.  However, I would
like to be able to print each paragraph of the comments field as well as the
other material.  What can be use to accomplish this in lieu of the above two
Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Anthony Romano

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