Re: tracking click-throughs

by "Joseph Poplawski" <jopop(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 8 Jun 2000 01:49:55 -0400
 To:  "Greg Rundlett" <greg(at)>,
 References:  kpurtell mediaone
  todo: View Thread, Original
There is a script called "clicktracker" that will do exactly what you are
looking for.

If you can't find it elsewhere, let me know and I'll try to dig it up.

Jo Pop

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Rundlett" <greg(at)>

> I have a link on my site that will take the user offsite, but I would like
> to track how many of my site visitors are hitting this link.
> I'm not an expert in searching Apache logs, so I don't know if I could
> this information in the log file.  But my log file is too big to be
> searching for this particular report anyway.
> Can I do this with a perl script, or does anyone have a good solution?
> Onclick event handler?  CGI form perl script? Sorry for not researching it
> myself, but I'm just swamped.  I appreciate your help.

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