newlines in ASP

by "Cyanide _7" <leo7278(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 12 May 2000 01:39:57 CDT
 To:  hwg-languages(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
hi list!
  thanx for all the help with the DIV writing question, but i'd like to 
switch gears now as i need advise in another language. for as long as i've 
been using ASP, i've never really cared how the source i was writing was 
formatted. it had always ended up all on one to a few lines because i could 
never figure out how to create a new line in asp. Response.writeln didn't 
work and \n didn't work so i took a look at the byte level and found that a 
new line in a text editor is represented by the hex values 0D-0A or decimal 
13-10. so i tried writing Chr(13) & Chr(10) to the Response object and each 
of them created their own new line (each being 0D-0A). so my questions are:

Is there an advantage to writing 10 vs 13 to make a newline?
Is there a built in method for doing this in ASP that i've overlooked?

Similarly, i'm using Chr(9) to create a tab. is there a better way to do 

at the moment im doing something like this:
Dim nl, tab
nl = Chr(10)
tab = Chr(9)

Response.write "Hello" & nl & tab & "World!" & nl

TIA - Cyanide_7

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