ASP(VBScript) trouble with arrays

by Andrej Kostresevic <temporalassassin(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 11 May 2001 14:01:19 -0700 (PDT)
 To:  hwg-languages(at)
 In-Reply-To:  fredonia
  todo: View Thread, Original
I have this interesting little problem.
This test page is supposed to simply write out 20 random unique numbers.
It is timing out, and when it does execute, there are repeated numbers,
although the used() and add() functions should be taking care of them.
Here is the code:
  Dim NumWords 
  NumWords = cint(20)
  Dim arrUsed()
  ReDim arrUsed(NumWords)
  Function used(lNum)
    If arrUsed(iNum) = 1 Then
      bused = true
      bused = false
    End If
    used = bused
  End Function
  Function Add(lNum)
    arrUsed(lNum) = 1
  End Function
   cnt = 0
   While cnt < 20 ' do 20 random numbers
     lIndex = cint(rnd()*(NumWords-1))'get a num between 0 and NumWords
     bUsed = used(lIndex)
     While  bUsed 'while the number has already been used
       lIndex = cint(rnd()*NumWords-1)'get a new random number
       bUsed = used(lIndex)'check whether it has been used
     response.write lIndex &"<br>" 'spit it out
     Add(lIndex)'flag it as used
     cnt = cnt +1' next
The page that is going to use it is just an experiment, but I just want to
know what it is that I am doing wrong, so I don't do it on an important
application some day. :)


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