
by Bill Curran <bcurran(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:00:50 -0600
 To:  hwg-languages(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I am writing a Perl script to open one document -- which contains multiple
lines -- match a list in that document, and then write that list to another
document. I am able to match only the last line in the document. Anybody
venture a guess as to why? Here is my code:

use strict;
print "Enter the name of the document (include extension): \n";
my $filename;
chomp ($filename = <STDIN>);
open (DATA, "$filename");

print "Enter the city of the opposing team: \n";
my ($city, @data1, @data2);
chomp ($city = <STDIN>);

while (<DATA>) {
my $home = 'Tennessee';
@data2 =
@data1 =

close DATA;

open (FILE, ">>newfile.html");
print FILE $data2[0];
close FILE;

Here is the file I am trying to read from:

This is the beginning of the document.
Cleveland 14  7 14  6  41
Tennessee  7 14  7 14  42

I am able to successfully match and write any of the elements in the last
line, but not elsewhere in the document. 

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