Flash problem

by Nancy Hastings-Trew <nancy(at)hypertextdigital.com>

 Date:  Thu, 27 Jul 2000 08:18:56 -0400
 To:  hwg-languages(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Not sure if this is the right place to post, but there MIGHT be a
Javascript solution to this problem:

I have a page with a Flash applet at http://www.spectrumfeedservices.com/
that works fine in Netscape 3, but in IE4 (at least on my machine) will not
completely load the page, either online or off. It loads ONE instance of
the background image and will run the Flash (is set to loop once)  but
refuses to display the rest of the HTML (some address and phone number
information) on the page. However when I view the source the whole thing is

Is there a way to make the Flash applet wait until the page is fully loaded
to start running? I'm familiar with Javascript but not as it pertains to
comtrolling applets or embedded objects. The problem I see is that an
onLoad event call will be encountered by the browser BEFORE the object and
embed tags are found, which would result in a missing object error. I might
counter that by putting a script at the end of the page but I'm not sure
what command to use to start the Flash running. 

Could anyone with a spare minute take a look and offer up some suggestions
or even just let me know if it works on their machine and in what browser?
I swear it worked in IE4 when I first created it a couple of months ago.
Maybe it's my browser.




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