by Ben Ocean <lists(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 22 Oct 2000 10:17:11 -0700
 To:  hwg-languages(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I'm taking a script I wrote that worked for one client and trying to tweak 
it for another client. These clients are built on the same server. I have 
run into this error message:

Warning: 0 is not a MySQL result index in 
on line 81

Here is the script circa line 81...

         if ($colorz != 9 ) { // ADD THIS LATER && $seatingz !=9 && $typez 
!= 9) {
         echo "<center><font style=\"font: 800 25px futura\">Here's Your 
         echo "Click on any spa.";
/* LINE 80 */         $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, seating, color_one, 
color_two, color_three, type, name, jets, jets_one, jets_two, jets_three, 
jets_four, jets_five, jets_six, jet_system, dimensions, capacity, dry, 
filled, light, control, heater, thermostat, jetPumps, circulationPump, 
filter, filtration, water_care, price FROM spas ORDER BY price DESC");
         $total_rows = mysql_numrows($result); $counter = 0; $countertwo = 0;
         while($counter < $total_rows):
		do a bunch of stuff...

Can someone please help me?

Also, I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way to label variables than this:
                 $seatingee = mysql_result($result,$counter,"seating");
If I don't need *seating* any more, can I simply call the result *$seating* 
instead of *$seatingee* ?

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