Re: Out of stack space and ASP

by John.ksi(at)

 Date:  Wed, 29 Sep 1999 08:21 EDT
 To:  hwg-servers(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
> Has anyone encountered an out of stack space error with ASP and vbscript.

I can't speak for ASP/vbscript, but from my more-or-less formal
computer programming training, I know that stack space is used
each time you invoke a function or subroutine.  The state of the
calling function is "pushed" to the stack while the called routine
does it's thing.

Without knowing anything about your particular application, permit
me the unabashed audacity to suggest that your problem needs to be
addressed by making changes to the software, not to the system.

Look for things like functions calling functions calling functions...etc.
Look for ways to "globalize" your variables.  If a routine has a large
variable local, in scope, to that routine, then it gets placed on the
stack if that routine invokes a subroutine.  If you can instead globalize
such variables (sorry, that I don't speak ASP-eze), I think you'll be
better off.  Or perhaps the data needs to be stored/retrieved on disk
rather than memory.  Not a pleasant thought, but this is a typical
decision programmers are faced with all the time.  Ah, the things
that one could accomplish with about a gig of memory...   :)

 -John Koch                               -  -  -  __o
 Knowledge Systems, Inc.              -  -  - -  _ \<,_
 <John.ksi(at)>                   - -   (_)/ (_)

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