Easy(?) NT Qs

by John.ksi(at)webplus.net

 Date:  Tue, 17 Oct 2000 09:53 EDT
 To:  hwg-servers(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
1) A 3rd party app placed on the web server - a server used by
multiple customers - requires that the customer access their
own folders via FTP.

So I'll be having multiple FTP IDs - each requiring their
own home directory.  Altho' I can specify home directories
when setting up the IDs, this doesn't override the home
directory defined in the FTP server properties.

Am I left then to create a separate FTP server - each using their
own IP address and/or port number - for each customer FTP ID?

2) More than one person at my company manages these servers -
and sometimes simultaneous access by more than one coworker
is desired.  What do I need to do have simultaneous GUI
access?  (We currently use PCAnywhere.)  Multiple video
drivers, etc?


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